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1. Two copies of the manuscript should be submitted in DOC/PDF format through the online submission portal of JSTR (, typed in English on A-4 size paper (Times New Roman; font: 12-pt) in double space. One copy must exclude the author's names, affiliations, and acknowledgement. This copy will be used for the review process. Pages should be numbered chronologically. Articles should not exceed 3,000 (three thousand) words in length (excluding the references/bibliography).
2. Article format, citations, & references should fully comply with the American Psychological Association (APA) style. The order of the content should be as follows: Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Objectives/Hypothesis, Literature Review, Materials and Methods, Findings and Analysis, Discussion and Conclusion, Recommendations, References, Appendixes, Tables, and Figures with caption. (N.B. Each of these elements is not a mandatory part of every paper.).
Title page: This should include the title of the article, followed by the authors' names and affiliations, complete mailing address, e-mail, and telephone number of the corresponding author, who will be responsible for revising the manuscript according to reviewers’ and editor's comments.
Abstract: This should be on the 2nd page of the manuscript. The title should also be written on the top of the abstract. The abstract should consist of 200–250 words.
Keywords: A list of 3-6 keywords is to be provided directly below the abstract. Keywords should reflect the precise content of the manuscript and comprise words or phrases.
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5. For each text citation, there must be a corresponding citation in the reference list and vice-versa.
6. Declaration of conflict of interests: To avoid unnecessary complications about authors’ contributions and their appropriate order in the author list and other issues of interest, it is highly recommended that the author(s) submit a declaration of consent and author contribution from all authors (for a single author, it is not applicable) during submission of the manuscript.
7. Acknowledgements (if applicable): All who contributed (laboratory facilities, writing assistance, proofreading the article, etc.) but do not somehow fulfil the standard to be named as an author should at least be acknowledged. Funding sources should also be mentioned with the grant number (if any).
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10. Author Contributions: a) Conceptualization; b) Design; c) Acquisition of data; d) Analysis of data; e) Interpretation of data; f) Drafting the article; g) Revising the article; h) Final approval for publication; i) Accountable for all aspects of the work.
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Journal of Scientific and Technological Research by School of Science and Technology (SST), Bangladesh Open University (BOU) is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
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